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Taking photos of things is not the idea of documentation photography. More importantly, when it comes to a specific type of photography such as documentation photography, it is somewhat tricky. Although the idea remains just about taking photos, there are things to understand for the captured photos to look good.

Taking photos of foods will certainly be different from capturing a scene for documentary purposes, right? So, for anyone who is just starting on documentary photos, check these things out.

documentation photography

Interact and Communicate


Among the basic things to understand when taking photos for documentation photography, interaction, and communication with the subjects is important.

It can be done by approaching the subject of the photos and try to start a conversation. Get to know about the subject to create a connection that will greatly help when taking the photos. Understanding the area is also recommended to get the idea of what story to tell to others through the captured photos.


documentation photography

Research the Subject Deeply


Within any purpose of the documentation category, it is important to understand what to get. Thus it is highly advisable to always do deep research on any subject before attempting to take photos of the subject.

Knowing and understanding a bit about the subject before actually meeting the subject is a good point to capture great documentary photos. Nowadays it is easier to find sources to research on any particular subject.

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Tell a Story


The main purpose of documentation photography us to tell a story to the audiences. Of course, it is not easy at all to create a story only through a photo or some photos. Unfortunately, that is the idea and that remains highly possible to do.

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With a decent background knowledge of the subject as well as the surrounding, it is supposed to be easier in creating a story through a beautifully captured photo. More importantly, it takes time to get used to the way of taking photos that could tell a story.

Above all of those basic things, surely it is important to know about the general stuff of photography. Understanding all of the basic technical aspects of taking photos properly will greatly enhance the chance to capture great photos for documentation photography purposes.

Refer to popular names within the world of photography to learn many things about photography. All in all, it will not be difficult to do with proper knowledge and understanding of things related to it.