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Do you want to have a different concept for your photo theme? Taking photos with the concept of dark can be the right choice. The dark concept will also be very suitable to be applied in taking photos for food. Usually food photos display bright pictures with bright colors.

However, dark background food photography can produce results that will leave you astonished. Proper shooting with good lighting is the key to this concept. Therefore, we have some tips that can make taking dark-themed dark photos look more charming.

1. The equipment and objects used are similar


In the dark concept, the thing that has to be prioritized is the balance and the colors used must match. To that end, the use of objects must be in line with the main object, this is to avoid any color differences that dominate each other. Therefore, think about the equipment and objects for the dark theme.

dark background food photography

2. Lighting Dark Background Food Photography


 Basically, using the concept of dark does not mean less lighting. The use of light is important to make objects visible more clearly and blend with the concepts given. Good light to use is to use natural light, so that objects can look more natural. The use of the right light can make the concept of dark look attractive.

dark background food photography

3. Arrangement of objects


The objects used in photography must be arranged well and adjusted according to the concept arranged. This arrangement serves, so that the focus of the photo remains on the main object and still balance the other objects.

For dark background food photography the use of goods should be adjusted to the main object and not contrasted. Objects are selected with colors that can still be fused.

dark background food photography

4. Exposure


Generally, every object in the frame has its own function, but in essence is to provide unity to the photo. Exposure to the main object is the most important thing. Try to make the main object become an attraction in the photo.

5. Try to keep it simple


In fact, the application of the concept of dark must still minimize the number of objects that will enter the frame. It is because, when you put too many objects will cause the impression of cramped and less attractive to be seen.

For that, always try the objects that are used together with the main objects and are limited in number so that the results of the image can be more focused and a simple impression will make the dark concept of dark background food photography more interesting.